Tuesday, 22 November 2011


First, let's take a look at the market situation:

As you can see below, the skincare care French market is facing a delicate situation as volumes are still growing while the market value is decreasing, this situation could be explained by decreasing prices.

The face care market doesn't follow the hygiene-beauty market trend: The hygiene-beauty market grew by 1% in 2010, boosted by men care or haircare products. The skincare market however shows a negative trend (-0,9%) but not as much as the bodycare market (-4,2%). The sun care market suffered in 2010 of bad weather conditions but is still growing on a medium-term basis.

 As you can see below, the face care market could be divided in 4 segments, each one answering special needs of French women:

The anti-age segment (most valued segment) represents 43% of market value, followed by washing products (least valued market) that represents 35% of market value

Moisturizing products (13% of MS) & Young Skin products (9% of MS) are the 2 other segments.

Each segment faces different trends: 

Both the anti-age & the washing segments are growing in volume while prices are decreasing; the moisturizing segment is the only one to grow both in value and in volume. Finally the young skin market faces a tough situation with a significant decrease in volume.

Here is a video that summarizes the market description:

All figures are from IRI - 2010 & Datamonitor 

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